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Festival of Wellbeing




(6 sessions of 20 mins)

University of Cambridge Sports Centre

Health Check Up

Four health checks (Peak Flow, Blood Pressure, Body Fat and Hamstring/Back Flexibility) will be completed, which will give you an indication of your current health levels. Great as a starting point before you start exercising or to gauge your improvement over time if you currently exercise.

Note: the following guidelines should ideally be followed for participants completing this testing protocol: no eating or drinking 4 to 5 hours prior to the test, no exercise 12 hours prior to the test, no alcohol or caffeine consumption 24 hours prior to the test.

Limited places

How to book and additional information here  This session is fully booked.


Seminar Room 3, Clinical School, Addenbrooke’s

Relaxation Workshop #1

Join a counsellor from the University Staff Counselling Service to unwind during your busy day – it may well make the rest of your day more relaxed and productive.

Limited places

Book your place here


Courtyard Suite 1, Institute of Continuing Education

Yoga with Kate

A yoga class, which via a series of postures, internal dynamics and breathing techniques encourages a deeper understanding and control of the physical body.

Equipment/Footwear: Please wear suitable sports clothing and trainers for all wellness and fitness classes. A water bottle and towel are recommended.

Limited places

Book your place here


Board Room, Institute of Continuing Education

Mindfulness with Lee de-Wit

Allow yourself to simply be for a moment. Let an awareness of your thoughts, feelings and sensations bring some peace and focus. 

Followed by a meditative walk - weather permitting.

Limited places

Book your place here

12.00noon - 1.00pm

Lecture Room 11, Mill Lane

Men’s Health Awareness


Men have physical and mental health difficulties but tend to struggle alone and hide it from everyone. This needs to change! The informal talk will include how to check for Testicular Cancer and the diagnosis and treatment from a personal experience.


The talk will also cover the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer and treatment options. A conversation will also be started about mental health to help remove the stigma.


Book your place here



University of Cambridge Sports Centre

Squash Taster

 This taster session is an ideal way to try out this fun, exhilarating, calorie burning sport.

Limited places

How to book and additional information here


Mill Lane, Lecture Room 2

How to Recognise when Alcohol is a Problem - When you’re Immersed in an Alcohol-loving Society

Lucy Rocca, Soberistas

People in the UK ‘enjoy a drink’ but there are untold thousands who drink hazardously. When all around you are condoning and partaking in regular drinking, how can you determine whether your own consumption has crossed the line into ‘problem drinking’?

Lucy Rocca will be talking about her own experiences with alcohol and why she decided, aged 35, that enough was enough and she needed to quit altogether. 

Lucy is the founder of Soberistas and launched the website in November 2012.  She is Soberistas’ editor, and has written four books on the subject of women and alcohol (The Sober Revolution, Your 6 Week Plan (co-authored with Sarah Turner), Glass Half Full and How to Lead a Happier, Healthier and Alcohol-Free Life).

Book your place here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre


Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP™ gives you a total body workout. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more.

Bookings open 08.00am on 21/06/16

How to book and additional information here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre


Suitable for all levels of fitness, Pilates is aimed at improving and strengthening your posture, as well as developing flexibility to aid relaxation.

Bookings open 08.00am on 21/06/16

How to book and additional information here


Madingley Hall, Institute of Continuing Education

Tour of Madingley Hall with Guven Dogan

Discover the majesty of Madingley Hall. Imagine stepping into one of the magnificent frescos on a guided tour. 

Let the mystery and magnificence of the past surround you and escape from the cares of the day.

Guven will guide you through the stories that made Madingley great.

Limited places

Book your place here


5.30pm - 6.25pm

University of Cambridge Sports Centre

Studio Cycling

Indoor cycling class based on spinning principles providing an intense cardiovascular workout in a motivating group environment. Be prepared for tough hill sprints and speed intervals that will really push your physical and mental thresholds.

Bookings open 08.00am on 21/06/16

How to book and additional information here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre

Running Group

Aimed at beginners, these taster sessions will teach you the basics of getting started with running, and provide you with ideas on how to continue on your way to completing a 5k.

Limited places

How to book and additional information here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre

Racquetball Taster

With many similarities to squash and played on the same court using a larger ball and shorter racket, this is a great game with easier hand-eye coordination and great fun. Come and give it a try!

Limited places

How to book and additional information here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre


Station-based exercise class using work intervals of 50 seconds. Body weight exercises and an assortment of fitness equipment including dumbbells, super bands, swiss balls, kettlebells and much more will be used! Great all round class which improves muscular and aerobic endurance.

Bookings open 08.00am on 21/06/16

How to book and additional information here


University of Cambridge Sports Centre


A yoga class, which via a series of postures, internal dynamics and breathing techniques encourages a deeper understanding and control of the physical body.

Bookings open 08.00am on 21/06/16

How to book and additional information here